How to customize your screenshot save path and screenshot format on your Mac?

Mac computers have built-in screenshot function which is able to meet most of our daily needs of capture screen, screenshot using the Mac system comes default is the cut-off function to save drawings on the desktop, the default screenshot format is png format, if we do not want them saved on your desktop, we want to save it to the specified path, change to another format? How to make it? Honestly it is very simple.


We can use the terminal (on the desktop, the screen left click on “Go – Utility” found) Enter the following parameters:

“defaults write location /Users/YOURUSERSNAME/Desktop/sreenshots”
Location after the default save location is the screenshot path, we can according to their own needs the path you want to write, if you want to modify the format of the screenshot image files, you need to enter the similar in the terminal:

“defaults write type jpg”

Followed by software type you want to change the image file format name on it. You can also select BMP, GIF, PDF, or TIFF instead of JPEG, PNG. Then, you will need to log off and back in for the change to take effect.

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